How to Install TheHatVPN App on MacOS

  1. Navigate to the website
  2. Look at the top menu, choose Apps, and then hit the "Download" button located under "TheHatVPN for MacOS."
  3. Once the download process is completed, double-tap on "TheHatVPN.pkg" to install it.
  4. To start the application, double-tap on the TheHatVPN icon.
  5. If asked, hit "Open."
  6. To install the TheHatVPN helper tool, type in your Mac's username and password.
  7. Key in your account's email and password, followed by pressing "Sign In". If you wish to log in automatically, you can tick the "Save Password" box.
  8. Upon successful login, you will observe a connect button and a default server already chosen.
  9. If you wish to select a different server, press the "Locations" button on the side menu. Pick a server by clicking on it.
  10. Once you're redirected to the home screen, press "Connect."
  11. You are now linked to the VPN server of your choice.
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